Zoo Atlanta

Zoo Atlanta
March 27 2010

APRIL 2010 - SPRING INTO ACTION- Character Connection: Positive Attitude

This month is a good time to spring into action with outdoor activities such as hikes, sports and games, cleaning up litter along ponds, parks or roadsides, or planting some trees for improved habitat. Make plaster casts of the animal tracks you find on your hike. Visit and talk with someone who works with wildlife conservation and visit a fish hatchery, zoo, animal shelter, or wildlife sanctuary. Bring along food and supplies that they might need as part of your "Good Turn for America." Build bird houses, bird baths, feeding stations, or boxes for nesting materials. Do a community service project with your chartered organization to show your positive attitude in doing your best. This would be a good month to work on the Conservation belt loop and pin.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Leader/Committee Meeting Change to 6pm on Saturday-April 17th

Conflicts with Cub World and other events have given us the opportunity to move the Leader/Committee Meetings to Saturday afternoon.  Bring your side-dish to "Eddie Burgers" to the Nix home at 6pm and we'll get the leader meeting started around 6:30pm-6:45pm and we'll move quickly into the committee chair meeting at 7:30pm. 

Each leader should come with rank advancement goals, budget requests & program/activity news for their den.  Each committee chair should be prepared to "report" activity (past and future) and request anything that requires committee approval. 

Review the google calendar in advance for accuracy and any questions you may have.  The better prepared each of us are, the faster the meeting will go.  We are getting better with time and more importantly...we are having more FUN!

If you have anything to discuss that you think may take more time than a "quick" report, email Cathy Helms and give her the "heads up".  We will miss Brian and Bill, but they will be at Woodbadge...singin' "Logs on the Ground"! 

Post your side-dish as a "comment" and we can track our dinner...


  1. We have ketchup, mustard & mayo!

  2. Hey everybody this is Tommy I'll bring some baked beans c u there

  3. Potato salad - Carrie Carroll

  4. I'll bring pasta salad.

  5. My suggestion is that everybody bring their own drinks since everyone drinks something different. -Carrie

  6. I'LL HAVE UNSWEET AND SWEET TEA; no guarantees that I'll have your favorite sweetner.

