Zoo Atlanta

Zoo Atlanta
March 27 2010

APRIL 2010 - SPRING INTO ACTION- Character Connection: Positive Attitude

This month is a good time to spring into action with outdoor activities such as hikes, sports and games, cleaning up litter along ponds, parks or roadsides, or planting some trees for improved habitat. Make plaster casts of the animal tracks you find on your hike. Visit and talk with someone who works with wildlife conservation and visit a fish hatchery, zoo, animal shelter, or wildlife sanctuary. Bring along food and supplies that they might need as part of your "Good Turn for America." Build bird houses, bird baths, feeding stations, or boxes for nesting materials. Do a community service project with your chartered organization to show your positive attitude in doing your best. This would be a good month to work on the Conservation belt loop and pin.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pack 301 Scout makes the news!

click here to view Bradley Michael's newspaper article
Michael's new adventure blooming
By Stephanie Siegel
Staff / Mike Jacoby
Bradley Michael, 10, of Dallas, harvests kudzu blossoms for a batch of the kudzu blossom jelly that he makes with the help of his mother Christa Michael.
Bradley Michael, 10, is a determined young man with an eye for kudzu blossoms.
They make jelly, which will be the first item in his “Bradley’s Best” line of homemade foods for sale.
Bradley and his mom, Christa, have been gathering kudzu blooms and making jelly for the past two summers. They reach for high vines with a rake, pulling them within reach, and snip the fringy, pale purple blossoms that often hide under the leaves.
“A lot of people who have lived in the South all their lives didn’t know kudzu blooms,” Christa said. Late July to early August is its season. “The heaviest blooms visible right now will be up high, which makes them a pain to get.”
Christa started three years ago with the vines across the street from their Paulding County home. Now she also goes wherever invited.
Mother and son extract juice from the blossoms, and add pectin, sugar and lemon juice to make jelly.
They sold all they made to friends and family and at the Paulding Meadows arts and crafts festival at Earl Duncan Park, 40 half-pint jars the first year and nearly 100 last year.

“It’s a wonderful, wonderful flavor,” she said. “Even if I didn’t sell it we’d still be making it.”
Bradley’s grandparents work as taste testers in this family business, he said.
He also plans to make soup mixes and curried rice.
He will sell his line on www.WestGeorgiaCrafts.com, a free index of local crafters and craft shows run by Christa.

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